Point Zero.

Creation as Self exploration

Collaboration with visual artist Alexia Rubod

Shot in Costa Rica & the USA between February and March 2021


Point Zero. is an audio visual work and an immersive 3D sound installation using ambisonics technologies.


“Each movement transforms our body image in a specific way. The movements we perform regarding feeling and form trace the path of such transformations, drawing new images of the world by renewing the body image that leads us to other movements, and so on.“

Steve Paxton, A Glance Upon Material for the Spine, 2018


It is about re-membering.


as in

re-entering the body

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 15.09.51.JPG

about finding the resonance of joy and remaining within its frequency.




“Unlike linear time, time conceived as cyclical cannot be readily abstracted from the spatial phenomena that exemplify it —from instance, the circular trajectories of the sun, the moon, and the stars. unlike a straight line, moreover, a circle demarcates and encloses a spatial field. Indeed, the visible space in which we commonly find ourselves when we step outdoors is itself encompassed by the circular enigma that we have to call “the horizon”. The precise contour of the horizon varies considerably in different terrains, yet whenever we climb to a prominent vantage point, the circular character of the visible world becomes explicit.”

David Abraham, The Spell Of The Sensuous, 1997.



22-24 July 2021

15-18 July 2021

5.1 audio installation at Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival in Potsdam

7.1 audio installation at the Master Exhibition of the SoundS class of 2021 in Berlin



Best experimental film at the Los Angeles Cinematography AWARDS (LACA)

Honorable mention at the Video Art and Experimental Film Festival, New York

Honorable mention at the Sogbots presents: LA's Rich and Successful Film Fest, Los Angeles


Full Video here


Afrocuban Stories