11-13 Juli 2018

Modular+ Space

Gottlieb-Dunkel Straße 43-44, 12099 Berlin | 8. Stock

Absence makes the invisible visible again

“What human beings contemplate in the spectacle is the activity they have been robbed of; it is their own essence become alien, turned against them organizing a collective world whose reality is that dispossession.”

Jacques Rancière, The Emancipated Spectator, 2008.

XYZ was a reminder that without a perceiver there is no sound.

Speakers, computer, sensors.

How :

Kinect-via-Synapse Max Interface which routes and displays user-tracking data from the XBox Kinect via OSC messages inside Max/MSP.

Selected Samples ripped from Vinyl Records assigned to head, shoulder, elbow, hand, torso, knee, foot and differentiating the left side to the right side as well as the XYZ axes.

Each movement triggered different sounds attributed to each of these joints and according to the position in space.

more info here and here.

"Most people think that when they hear a piece of music, they’re not doing anything but that something is being done to them. Now this is not true, and we must arrange our music, we must arrange our art, we must arrange everything, I believe, so that people realize that they themselves are doing it, and not that something is being done to them.

Brandon LaBelle, Background Noise, Perspectives on Sound Art, 2016.


Wave Field Synthesis | TU - Apr 01, 2019