Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA. March 2021. 35mm © Clara Badulescu
“To resonate: re-sonare. To sound again—with the immediate implication of a doubling. Sound and its double: sent back to us, reflects by surfaces, diffracted by edges and corners. Sound amplified, swathed in an acoustics that transforms it. Sound enhanced by its passing through a certain site, a certain milieu. Sound propagated, reaching out into the distance. But to resonate is also to vibrate with sound, in unison, in synchronous oscillation. To marry with its shape, amplifying a common destiny. To join forces with it. And then again, to resonate is to remember, to evoke the past and to bring it back. Or to plunge into the spectrum of sound, to shape it around a certain frequency, to bring out sonic or electric peaks from the becoming of signals.
Everyone may have their own history, everyone may resonate in their own way, and yet we must all, in order to experience resonance at a given moment, be ready to welcome it. The welcoming of what is other, wether an abstract outside or on the contrary an incarnate otherness ready to resonate in turn, is a condition of resonance.”
François J. Bonnet, Bartolomé Sanson, Spectres II - Resonances. 2020